Monday, May 31, 2010

The Epiphany of a perfect life

So, school sucks, weather sucks, and people suck. But let's not dwell on that. I have watched a bunch of movies lately that I recommend.

1. The lovely bones. The book was really good too, but the movie was phenomenal.

2. Valentines Day. This one is hilarious! I love it, but in my opinion, Taylor Swift should stick to singing, :s 'Cause she sure can't act!

3. Shrek: The final Chapter. Suprisingly it was really good. Very Romantic. ;)

4. Leap Year. I LOVED this movie. It's soooo romantic! I want to marry an irish guy soo much now. :)

5. Dear John. Again, soooo incredibly romantic. I just loovveed it. So devastating, yet so beautiful.

There's my input for today, so I'll talk to you later! :D

Later Gator,
Laura ;)