Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sooo, since my parents love me, they put me in violin lessons. Apparently god wanted me to do this, because we didn't even have to buy a violin. My grandmother gave me her dad's. It has a lot of fixing up to do, but I think it will do for now.
I can already play Mary Had A Little Lamb, and Hot Cross Buns!! Hehe, that's right. I gotss skillz. :) I love it soo much, but I don't think anyone expects me to stick with it. Which I will. Everyone's always like, 'Oh, Laura, are you sure you want to do this? The violin is a very hard instrument to play!' or, 'I would advise that you get a new bow. If Laura decides to stick with this instrument that is.' Seriously guys, I got this! Chill out! gosh!
Ughh, anyway, yeah. It is hard, but I really like the instrument so there! I am going to stick with it. :P

Later Gator

Friday, April 16, 2010

30-Hour Famine

Right now, I am sitting in a classroom of my school. It is 5:30. It is a tradition at my school to have a 30-hour famine. It's an organization through world vision, and I donated 60 $ to get in. You people probably don't care much, but it is very fun. Sort of. At least the love of my life is here. lol. Noooo. Okay, yeah. But still, at least he doesn't know he's the love of my life. Yet. We will be married someday. He just better plan his life accordingly.
Hehe, we're watching princess bride. I love this movie. It's soo funny. Blehh. I don't know what else to say, but I'm kind of bored. Tamara's here with me too. She's cool. Hehe, her computer won't log her in. Her pain gives me pleasure.
I wish there was more to do here. My love, let's call him Dale, is absolutely beautiful. Nobody knows I love him except for a few people. Well, okay, a lot of people know, but they're all very trustworthy. If anyone who wasn't trustworthy learned of my love, I would be screwed. I will probably mention Dale many times, so this is my introduction to the man I love most in this entire life. He's an awesome singer, great with kids, and is very... mature. If you catch my drift. Urmmm, I don't know what else to say. So yeah, that's my life so far. Bye bye.